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Reading candle flames is usually called Pyromancy. This practice is deeply rooted in Greek mythology as fire was a very important part of life.

*If the flame burns brightly, it is considered a sign of success.

A dim flame indicates disappointment. A flickering flame shows wavering fortunes.

A spark means an important message will be delivered to you

Jumping candle flames represent that there is a lot of energy

Dancing flames indicate change. A spiral-like effect is a warning

When candles are hard to light, and then burn with a weak flame, it is a sign that the time is not right for the magic.

If a candle goes out for no apparent reason live, a breeze) stop the ritual and conduct it again later.


As a symbolic object, the candle is a well-balanced representation of the Elements. The wick and the base of the candle represent the Earth Element, which is necessary to keep the flame both grounded and able to stay lit. The wax, which transforms from a solid to a liquid and then to a gas, represents the shape-shifting characteristics of the Water Element. The Air Element, in the form of oxygen, is necessary to keep the flame alive, and is often made visible in the smoke emanating from a burning wick. And the flame itself, of course, quite literally represents the Fire Element. Add the Element of Spirit by charging the candle with your intention, and you have a magical tool that embodies the totality of the Universe in one small package.


Note: If you can’t devote time to your candle ritual, you might choose to use birthday candles instead of chime candles, which burn down completely in 20-30 minutes. Never leave candles burning unattended, especially when burning string or paper in a ritual.


Here are common magickal associations of candle colors:

White: purification, clarity, truth

Black: banishing negativity, protection, binding, trances

Red: passion, love, lust, courage, strength, life force

Pink: friendship, self-love, compassion, empathy, emotional healing, the feminine

Yellow: joy, energy, creativity, intelligence

Orange: success, power, encouragement, confidence, authority

Green: money, luck, fertility, abundance, growth, wealth, prosperity

Dark blue: depression, vulnerability, changes

Light blue: health, patience, healing, peace, serenity, meditation

Purple: psychic powers, wisdom, intuition, hidden knowledge, spiritual power

Brown: earth or animal-related, grounding, stability, balance

Silver: reflection, channeling, neutrality

Gold: attraction, financial gain, victory, authority

**When in doubt (or lacking a colored candle to correspond with your spell) a white or black candle will always serve you well, as it's a magical clean slate.


First and Foremost

Before you use a candle in a spell, you should cleanse it. This will give your magick the best results, since you won't have the energies of other people who handled the candle lingering over it. One easy way to cleanse is by smudging the candle the same way you would smudge your house. If you don't have a smudge stick, you can also use smudge spray, incense smoke, or some other type of purification spray.

Once the candle is smudged, you should bless the candle to seal in good intent. There are three easy ways to do this.

  1. Place both hands over the candle and visualize your energy going into the candle. You can simply visualize a bright light going from your hands into the candle.

  2. Breath your own energy into the candle. Visualize your breath surrounding the candle and infusing into it.

  3. Say a prayer over the candle or speak an incantation related to your intention.

Inscribe the candle, carve your intention into the candle with words, symbols, or sigils. You can also write your intention on a piece of paper, place it under the candle during the spell, and burn the paper afterward to ignite your intention.

Anoint the candle by dressing it in herbs and herbal oil matching the intent of the spell.

Once the candle is inscribed and anointed, you're ready to light the candle to perform the spell. While the candle is lit, it's important to focus your thoughts and intentions toward the flame. Think of it as a kind of meditation to help focus the spell.  After you're done, don't forget to thank the elements or deity(ies), and release them. A good closing phrase is something like, "Go if you must, stay if you will, but know that you are always welcome."


Three types of Candle Magick

  1. Energy of the Flame. You use the energy of the flame after it is lit. You can use the candle for another spell after cleansing it again.

  2. Candle is the Vessel for the energy. You load it with your energy and light and as the candle burns, it gives the spell the energy you gave the candle. This candle must burn all the way down. The magick is the fire melting the wax and burning the wick.

  3. Scrying. This will be explaned later.

*Try to do a baseline reading on candles before you burn a candle.

*Always be safe. Leave in tub if needed.


Flame Readings

Colored Flames

  • Blue flame symbolizes the presence of a spirit. This can be an angel, fairy or other highly evolved spiritual entity.

  • Red or yellow that mundane energy, not spiritual, is fueling the burn and can also be powerful.

Steady Normal Consistent Flame

Means your work is taking effect and will manifest in the correct time.


A lot of energy, intention will manifest very quickly. Be sure to ground yourself for there might be too much energy. It might also mean the spell has the power to work, but not without possible problems. The higher the flame jumps, the greater the resistance.

Low Flame

Very little energy going into the manifesting of the work. something is blocking the work. Cleanse and do the work again. If it doesn’t happen \ them maybe it is not the right timing.

Short Weak Flame

A weak flame will produce weak spell results. The time simply isn't right, the spell is wrong (especially if it flickers), it might mean your timing is off, or your spell needs more work before it can be powerful enough to complete your intent.

Flickering Flame

Something is working against you. Spirits may be in your way of this working. Other people could be blocking the work. Maybe not the right time for the spell. Spirits may be looking out for you. You might also have to make sure you are clear in your intention. Another traditional meaning is that strong, almost raw emotions are involved and can lead to arguments.

Uneven Fast Burning Candle

Indicates your spell wasn't properly grounded before you cast it. You'll need to cast the spell another time.

Even Fast Burning Candle

This can be a good omen as long as the candle doesn't have any other unusual attributes.

Flame Self-Extinguishes

When a flame self-extinguishes, it means one of three things. One, it puts an end to your work. Two, your spell was received by the spirit world. Or it can indicate your spell is opposed by either the spirit realm or an individual.

Won’t Stay Lit

Your work will not and is not meant to manifest. It is not the right time to ask. Cleanse and redo. If it happens again it is not meant to be.

Spitting/Crackling Flame

This means Spirits are around! They are trying to get your attention. Indicates a form of communication, the intensity of both determines the messaging. Loud crackling and frequent sputtering warns of arguments. A noisy and continuous sputtering flame may indicate that someone or other forces oppose you.

Popping Flame

A flame that produces a popping sound is considered another form of negative communication. The type of communication is determined by the intention of the burning candle and what it represents. For example, if you're doing a protection spell, many believe it means is someone with bad intentions toward you.

Dual Flames

Two flames burning from one wick involves two energies or energy that is cut in half. The most common interpretation for dual flames is the presence of two energies that are either working together or in opposition of each other. Again, it is determined by the intention of the burning candle and what it represents.

Flame to the North

Change will be occurring. More effort needed to make things happen.

Flame to the East

You need to have patience and trust your intuition.

Flame to the South

Things will happen quickly but be sure to Ground yourself to you can handle the coming change, a lot of energy.

Flame to the West

Emotions are high and need to be addressed before intention is realized. Redo the spell and focus on the need not the emotion.

**Remember your environment may make the flame dance differently, be sure there are no open windows, vents and the placement of the candle is away from factors that might influence the flame.


Soot (7 Day/Vigil Candles)

Make sure the wick is in the middle of the bottom of the candle. You can dress the candle as it burns if it doesn’t come out of the holder. Dress closer to the glass. Clockwise to bring to you and withershins to move away from you. Be sure to take your time with the candle, watch it as it burns and see how things are going. Synthetic oil will catch on fire. You can add a white candle next to it or water to help cleanse. Front of the candle is the physical and tangible. Back is the non-physical and non-tangible. Left is things from the past. Right is things in the future.


There is something working against you and it might be dark. Do a protection spell. Then redo spell. Try using a different spell? Deity? Energy?

Grey/Black all the way down

This means it is working and being granted but there are things that need to be addressed. Maybe do the working again. Maybe you are not asking for the right thing for you personally. Maybe do a different type of reading to see what may be blocking the work.

½ Black

There was an obstacle, but spirit cleared, and work will happen.

Black at the Top

There are obstacles there, but the block was cleared and not as heavy. The spell removed the block.

White smoke

No obstacles. Spirits and energy will welcome your wish.


Burn another candle to make sure all things are cleared.

Glass explodes

Get a deep cleans. Very heavy strong and dangerous spirit. Deep cleanse on yourself and home.

Glass breaks

There was something negative that was cleared from your life.

Wax left

(more than an inch) The spell work is not done, do again.

Half wax left

Only part of the work will be granted or done.

Full Rings

There are things that need to be removed. The number of rings are the number of things you need to clear before your request is granted. The Gods/Goddesses are asking you to take a good look at what your are requesting.



Length of time it takes candle to burn down completely. Note: Candles of different sizes of course burn different length of times, what you are looking for is unusual and very unusual lengths of time.

1 to 12 hours

Candle takes say 3 hours. The work will take 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years. Then you can see if you need to do more work toward that want.

12+ hours

Excessive amount of time. Cycles. 6 days (144 hours) Lunar cycles. 6 cycles for working to happen.


Wax Remains

Divination method…where in your life and time things will happen. Done on plates or mirrors.

Make sure candle is on a level surface, not a lot of movement in room and not in air flow.

Know what is the front, back, left and right of the candle.

Candle (center) ~ the here and now.

Top ~ things that are hidden, unconscious, spiritual.

Bottom ~ physical world.

Left ~ past.

Right ~ future.

Wax appears as steps ~ you have that many steps to take, problems to over come and the like until your spell takes.

Distance wax is from candle ~ How far away is the wax from the candle? This is the duration of how quickly things will happen. Closer it will happen quicker. Further, will take longer.

Wax Goes beyond holder or a great distance ~ This needs more working to help. This means there is a need to do more work toward what you desire.


Flame Readings
Wax Remains

Scrying Candle Wax Reading

The other way you can perform a candle wax reading is through scrying. This method is similar to other scrying techniques. You will use water and wax candle drippings to conduct this type of candle wax reading.


  • Scrying bowl (ceramic or glass) 

  • Water

  • White candle 

  • Candle (select color for reading) 

  • 2 candle holders 

  • Matches/Lighter

  • Paper 

  • Pencil 

Choose Your Candle Color

You want to select a color which best matches your intention(s). For example, if you are scrying for a financial or money issue, then select either a green or gold candle.

Cleanse Space

Use sage or another favorite incense to clear the space you intend to use while scrying. If you have a ritual you practice for space clearing, you can use it. You can either sit at a table, altar or on the floor, according to what is most comfortable for you.

Light White Candle

Set and light the white candle. You can recite a prayer, blessing, or chant if you wish.

Open a Protective Circle / Meditate

If you so so, open a channel. Assume a comfortable position and spend a few minutes in meditation to clear your thoughts and energy field. This is where you will be setting your intention(s).

Fill Scrying Bowl

Pour the water into your scrying bowl. You can say a prayer or chant to bless the water.

Form Your Question

Using the paper and pencil to write your question. Give this some thought before writing, since changing what you've written can confuse the response. You want to be very clear and precise in forming your question.

Light Scrying Candle

Light the candle you selected for scrying. Repeat your question and hold it in your mind while holding the candle over the water. Let the wax drip into the water. Don't touch the bowl while you drip wax into the water. Once you are satisfied that you've let enough wax fall into the water, you can extinguish the candle and set it down.

Scry the Candle Wax

Take a deep breath and focus on the wax in the scrying bowl. Note any shapes the drippings form. Write them down on the paper. Write down any psychic or intuitive impressions or messages you receive.

Interpreting Candle Wax

Interpreting the wax drippings may take some time. You should first and foremost trust your intuition. A few tips include:

  • Shapes can have literal meanings, such as circle represents the closing of a circle, or a triangle may indicate a love triangle or opposition. 

  • Numbers may be related to the calendar and represent days, weeks, months, and so on. 

  • Numbers may represent a specific time such as hours, minutes, or seconds. 

  • Number may be a combination of a date and time. 

  • Letters can represent the initials of a person, place, or event. 

  • Animal shapes can be literal or represent an animal spirit guide. 

Wax Scrying Reading and Conclusions

While number, shapes, and letters are cool, mostly likely you'll end up with various abstract forms floating on the water. This is why your intuition and psychic abilities are so important when interpreting the message (see above) of your candle wax scrying. You should always trust your psychic impressions over all things.

Close Protection Circle

If you do so, close your circle when you are finished with your scrying. You will then extinguish the white candle.


Days of the Week

Every day of the week, Sunday through Saturday, has its own magical correspondences such as deity associations, colors, planets, crystals/gemstones, and herbs.

Colors of the week

  • Sunday: gold and orange

  • Monday: silver, white, and gray

  • Tuesday: red and autumn shades

  • Wednesday: yellow and gray

  • Thursday: purple and deep blue

  • Friday: light blue, green, pink, copper hues

  • Saturday: maroon, dark shades, black


Days Color

Candle Spells

Cord Cutting

Cord cutting is the spiritual process of removing the bonds between yourself and other people or situations, which may be draining your energy. The idea here is that we have energetic “cords” that bind us to certain people, situations, places and/or beliefs. In some cases, these cords connect us to the world – we have cords that tether us in our families or romantic relationships, to our hometown, really all places we’ve been. Maybe you’re finding it nearly impossible to manifest happiness, a new job, more cash income, that perfect someone? In many cases, having cords linger in your energy field is a drain. Do you still feel tied to someone from your past or to a place where you suffered trauma? Those are cords!

Cutting energetic cords is a form of self-care, you are tending to yourself and releasing what’s no longer serving you. This allows you to move on with your life, call your energy back, return to motivation and focus back into yourself. Cord cutting is primarily an energetic process, but it’s often done as part of a more formal ritual or spell. You'll have to have tools like crystals, candles, herbs, tarot cards, etc, in order to cast spells and do magick. All you honestly need is your mind, body and intuition. An energetic cord cutting might be as simple as taking a few grounding breaths, moving into a deep meditation, and visualizing yourself cutting the energy cords that tie you to a particular person, place, or situation.


Simple Cord Cutting

Get a piece of rope or string and cut it with scissors. You could tie the string around your wrist and cut it off, fold it over in your hand and cut it in half or lay the string in a circle around you while you sit on the floor and cut it.

Say these words: "I release the ties that bind. I claim that which is mine. I move forward in light and freedom. I sever and release any and all cords that do not serve my highest good. I release you and I release me from these binds. All cords are destroyed, across all dimensions, times, and planes, never to return again. I hereby banish these energetic cords and recover now all energy that was once lost. My energy flows back to me, filling me once again with vitality and creating now a peaceful energetic boundary of love and light. Spirit of the water, please accept and wash away any of (person, place, or thing’s name) remaining energy. I release it from whence it came. Thank you."


Cord Cutting Candle Spell

Tie a piece of string around two small candles, (typically chime size candles), light the candles and allow them to burn down they burn through the string. This is truly a very powerful spell for releasing, cutting emotional ties with that which is keeping you from being in alignment and helps you grow emotionally if done correct. It is likely  going to significantly change your relationships and your memories. Cord Cuttings are not a scary thing, but they have a certain air of finality about them and they’re best used with deeply rooted beliefs, strong personality attachments and emotional experiences. The two candles represent you and what you are releasing and the string represents the energetic cords that bind you together.


  • Two candles (the colors should symbolize you and the other person/place/thing)

  • Fire safe container or plate

  • Candle holders that will sit on or in the fire safe plate

  • Picture of what you are cutting out of your life (or a piece of paper with the name written on it)

  • Piece of string

  • Something for cleansing (like sage or a bell)

  • Salt (optional)

Cleanse your space and yourself.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Place the candle holders with the candles in them on the plate.

Place the photo or paper on the plate, be sure it wont catch fire.

Tie the string around the two candles around their midpoint, tight enough so they stand up, not so tight it pulls the candles off center.

In this case,

Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Relax. Close your eyes and imagine a warm, comforting darkness all around you.

Slowly, imagine in your mind's eye, what you are releasing.

Begin to feel the cord (or multiple cords, let your visualization to guide you) that connects the two of you. Notice where these cords are located, are they at your heart, hands, head, etc.?

Sit there with your visualization. Become familiar with the cords. Allow whatever emotions to flow through you without judgment.

When you are ready; open your eyes, light both candles. Chime candles take about 2-2.5 hours to burn down completely. Make a note of the time. It should take about an hour for the flame to reach the string. This allows the intention to manifest and take hold.

There will be flames and sparks as the candles burn, watch them carefully.

Ideally, you will want to allow the candles to fully burn down, even after the cord has been burned. You can read the wax leftovers.

As you wait for the candles to burn down, return to your visualization with your eyes open this time, Gaze into the candle flame, this is called scrying and is great for clearing your mind and connecting with your intuition.

Imagine the cords between you and what you are releasing slowly being cut, dissolved and burned away. Journal why you are doing the cord cutting, the toxic habits or forms of relating you wish to release, and anything else that comes up for you during this potentially emotional ritual.

When the candles are fully burned down; dispose of the wax, burned string, photograph and or paper in a garbage or bury it outside (best at a cross-road) – and move into the new year feeling fresh and free from the negative energy of your past!


Purple Candle Spell for Power and Ambition

Supplies Needed

  • 1 purple candle (taper or pillar) and candle holder

  • 1 fireproof bowl

  • 1 small bowl or vial

  • 1 drop pine needle essential oil

  • 1 drop myrrh essential oil

  • Olive oil or a carrier oil

  • 1 stick cedar wood incense and incense holder

  • Polygala herb (dried)

  • Purple ink pen

  • Yellow paper (any size)

  • Matches or lighter

Properties of Essential Oils, Incense, and Dried Herbs

The properties of each ingredient aids in the manifesting of your spell. These include:

  • Pine needle essential oil: Use this for a dressing to generate strength and blocking negative energy.

  • Myrrh: Use this for candle dressing; myrrh provides protection and ensures purity energies to boost your intent.

  • Cedarwood: This incense establishes a sacred space with earth and fire properties. It is also yang energy (active). Cedarwood will add strength and power to your intent.

  • Polygala: This herb bestows the drive to achieve ambitions and is also known as the will strengthener. Use this in dried root form.

Dressing Your Purple Candel for Power Ambition Spell

Once you've gathered the supplies, it's time to dress the candle.

  1. Combine one drop each of the pine needle essential oil and myrrh essential oil in a bowl or vial.

  2. Add olive oil or other carrier oil to dilute and provide enough volume of oil.

  3. Mix or shake until the oils have mixed.

  4. Rub the oil on the candle. Apply with a cotton swab or wear gloves to avoid skin contact with the oils.

  5. Place the candle in its holder.

Light Incense

Light the cedarwood incense and place in the holder, setting it to the side of the candle.

Write Your Intent and Light Candle

Yellow represents confidence and personal power. Using purple ink, write on the yellow paper your desire for power and ambition. Be direct and concise, such as, "I desire greater magic power, and my ambition to grow and manifest results." Place a pinch or two of polygala in the center of the paper and carefully gather the corners together and twist to form a small pouch.

  1. Light the candle and pouch.

  2. You're ready to complete the spell.

  3. Light the candle wick while focusing on your desire for power and ambition.

  4. Place the herb packet in the fireproof bowl and light it, allowing it to burn completely.

  5. While the yellow paper burns, focus on the candle flame all you desire from power and ambition.

  6. You may add a prayer or simply meditate on your desire, still focusing on the candle flame. Once you feel your intent has been delivered, douse the candle and make sure the paper has stopped burning.

Results of Your Spell

You may see immediate results, or it may take several weeks before your desire manifests. Patience is your greatest tool when waiting on spell results.


Flower Essence Votive Spell

Flower essence can be taken internally, but it can also be used in a magic spell to manifest various goals, such as power and ambition in magic work. This spell is simple but effective.


  • 1 purple votive candle and holder

  • 3 drops freesia flower essence

  • 3 drops rock rose flower essence

  • 3 drops hornbeam flower essence

  • 3 drop wilds oat flower essence

  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

  • Small bowl or empty vial

  • Honeysuckle incense stick and incense holder

Casting Your Spell

A votive candle is often ideal for spell work since it doesn't require days for the candle to burn down. Make this spell extra special by using a flower shaped votive.

Add Flower Essences to Olive Oil

In magic, three is a power number. Pour the olive oil into a small bowl or vial. Add three drops of each of the following and mix together:

  • Freesia flower essence: Freesia transforms old energies and situations into renewed and powerful ones.

  • Rock rose flower essence: This essence creates positive energy delivering strength and courage.

  • Hornbeam flower essence: Hornbeam provides great energy to achieve goals.

  • Wild oat flower essence: Wild oat brings you clarity and paves a path to your purpose.

Light Honeysuckle Incense

Light the honeysuckle incense while you dress the candle. Honeysuckle is known as the replenisher of energy. It provides an endless supply of energy for the power magic you desire.

Dress the Candle

Dress the candle with your mixed oils, using your fingers (wear gloves) or a cotton swab, spread the oil over the candle. As you dress the candle repeat the following:

With this oil of flower essences, I dress this candle to deliver the magic power I need.

With this oil of flower essences, I instill my ambitions with clarity, purpose, and renewed strength.

Bring these attributes into my spell work to aid me.

Place the candle in its holder and light the flame. Maintain a quiet state of mind and focus on the flame and your desires as the candle burn down. Once the candle has completely extinguished, remove the remaining pieces and bury them in a flower bed or place in a pot of blooming flowers.


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© 2012, 2013, 2014  by LaVinia Reneau.


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