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What is Magick?

In paganism, magic, often spelled as "magick" to differentiate it from stage magic, refers to the practice of utilizing natural forces, energies, and rituals to bring about desired changes in the world or in oneself. It is a fundamental aspect of many pagan belief systems and is commonly associated with witchcraft, Wicca, and other similar traditions.

Magick in paganism is based on the belief that there is a deep interconnection between the spiritual and physical realms, and that individuals can tap into this web of energy and influence it to manifest their intentions. It encompasses a wide range of practices, including spell-casting, divination, ritualistic ceremonies, and the use of symbols and tools.

One of the key principles underlying magick is the concept of correspondence, which suggests that various elements of the natural world are interconnected and can be used symbolically to direct and amplify energy. For example, herbs, crystals, colors, and planetary alignments are often associated with specific intentions or magical purposes. By harnessing these correspondences and combining them with focused intent, practitioners believe they can manipulate energy patterns to achieve desired outcomes.

Another important aspect of magick is the use of rituals and ceremonies. These practices provide a structured framework for focusing one's intent and connecting with the spiritual forces or deities associated with the tradition. Rituals may involve specific actions, such as casting a circle, calling upon the elements or deities, chanting, and performing symbolic gestures. These rituals help practitioners enter an altered state of consciousness and create a sacred space where the energy can be channeled effectively.

It is worth noting that magick in paganism is often seen as a co-creative process. Rather than exerting control over external forces, practitioners aim to work in harmony with the natural flow of energy and the will of the divine. It is about aligning oneself with the rhythms of nature, the cycles of the seasons, and the spiritual forces at play.

While the specific practices and beliefs surrounding magick may vary among different pagan traditions, the underlying idea is generally to harness and direct personal and universal energy to manifest change, healing, spiritual growth, or other desired outcomes.

It's important to recognize that magick is a deeply personal and subjective experience, and its effectiveness is a matter of individual belief and perception.


Categories for Magick Spells

Magick spells can be categorized in various ways based on their intended purpose, cultural or magickal traditions, elemental associations, or specific outcomes. Here are some common categories for magick spells:

  1. Love and Relationships: Spells designed to attract love, enhance existing relationships, promote harmony, or encourage reconciliation.

  2. Protection and Banishing: Spells aimed at warding off negative energies, protecting against harm or evil, and removing unwanted influences from one's life.

  3. Healing and Health: Spells focused on promoting physical, mental, or emotional well-being, aiding in recovery from illnesses, or providing comfort and relief.

  4. Prosperity and Abundance: Spells aimed at attracting wealth, success, and abundance, promoting financial growth, or removing obstacles to prosperity.

  5. Divination and Insight: Spells used for gaining knowledge, wisdom, and insights, enhancing intuition, or connecting with spiritual guidance.

  6. Elemental Magick: Spells associated with the classical elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit), harnessing their energies and qualities for various purposes.

  7. Ritual and Ceremony: Spells that are part of specific rituals or ceremonies, often tied to cultural or religious practices.

  8. Curse and Hex: Spells that are intended to bring harm or misfortune to others. Caution should be exercised when working with such spells, as they can have serious consequences.

  9. Transformation and Personal Growth: Spells focused on self-improvement, personal empowerment, and transformation, aiding in breaking bad habits or fostering positive changes.

  10. Astral and Dream Magick: Spells aimed at exploring the astral realm, lucid dreaming, astral projection, or working with dreams for insight and magickal purposes.

It's important to note that different magickal traditions or practitioners may have their own unique categorizations or classifications for spells. Additionally, some spells may overlap or fall into multiple categories depending on their specific intentions or effects.


Religions and Magick

Throughout history, various religions have incorporated magickal practices as part of their spiritual traditions. It's important to note that the concept of magick can vary across cultures and religious beliefs. In my opinion Magick is when ever you use energy for a purpose. Magick is a give and take. Here is a brief overview of the historical and contemporary use of magick in certain Pagan religions:

Ancient Pagan Religions: Many ancient Pagan religions, including those of the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Norse, had rituals and practices that involved magick. These magickal practices were often intertwined with religious ceremonies and involved invoking deities, performing rituals, casting spells, divination, and using objects or symbols believed to have supernatural properties.

Wicca: Wicca, a modern Pagan religion developed in the mid-20th century, incorporates magickal practices as an integral part of its beliefs and rituals. Wiccans often engage in spellwork, use ceremonial tools, and work with natural elements and energies to manifest intentions, connect with deities, and promote personal growth.

Witchcraft Traditions: Various forms of witchcraft, such as Traditional Witchcraft, Hedge Witchcraft, and Kitchen Witchcraft, also involve the use of magick. These traditions often emphasize personal empowerment, working with herbs, folk magic, divination, and spellcraft to bring about desired outcomes or spiritual connections.

Shamanism: Shamanic traditions, found in various cultures worldwide, involve practitioners known as shamans who communicate with spirits and perform healing, divination, and ceremonial rituals. Shamanic practices often involve entering altered states of consciousness to access spiritual realms and harnessing energies to influence the physical and spiritual world.

Hoodoo and Folk Magick: Hoodoo, a form of folk magick practiced mainly in African American communities, incorporates elements of African, Native American, and European magickal practices. It involves the use of herbs, charms, candles, and rituals to address various needs, such as protection, love, luck, and healing.

Druidry: Druidry is a spiritual path inspired by ancient Celtic traditions. Druids may incorporate magickal practices such as divination, herbalism, and working with the energies of nature and the land. They may also engage in rituals and ceremonies to connect with the spirits of trees, plants, and animals.

Feri Tradition: The Feri Tradition, also known as Faery/Faerie/Faerie Witchcraft, is a modern Pagan tradition that blends elements of folklore, witchcraft, and ecstatic practices. Feri practitioners may work with ecstatic trance, energy manipulation, and spells as part of their spiritual practice.

Asatru and Heathenry: Asatru and Heathenry are modern-day revivals of the ancient Norse religious traditions. While magick was a part of ancient Norse practices, its modern use in Asatru and Heathenry can vary among individuals and groups. Some practitioners may incorporate rune work, galdr (chanting), or seidr (a form of Norse magic) into their rituals and personal practices.

Eclectic Paganism: Eclectic Pagans draw inspiration from various Pagan traditions and may incorporate magical practices from different sources. They often combine elements of different magical systems, such as spellcasting, energy work, divination, and ritual practices, based on personal preferences and beliefs.

Reconstructionist Religions: Reconstructionist Pagan religions, such as Hellenismos (Greek Reconstructionism), Religio Romana (Roman Reconstructionism), and Kemeticism (Egyptian Reconstructionism), focus on reconstructing and reviving the religious practices of specific ancient cultures. While these traditions may not emphasize magick as much as other Pagan paths, they may still incorporate rituals, prayers, and offerings to honor the gods and spirits of their respective pantheons.

It's important to note that the specific magical practices within these Pagan religions can vary significantly depending on individual beliefs, cultural context, and personal preferences. Some practitioners may focus more on the spiritual and ritualistic aspects of their religion, while others may have a strong emphasis on magical practices. Additionally, individuals within these traditions may approach magic in different ways, based on their own experiences and interpretations of their religious teachings.


Magickal Balance

In many magickal traditions, the concept of "give and take" is often emphasized as an important aspect of working with magick. It signifies that when using magick or engaging in magickal practices, there is a reciprocal relationship or exchange involved. Here's an explanation of how this concept is understood:

  1. Energy Exchange: Magick is often seen as working with and manipulating energy. The idea of give and take suggests that when one seeks to manifest a desired outcome or intention through magic, they must contribute their own energy, intention, focus, and effort into the process. This personal investment and contribution of energy are considered essential for the magick to be effective.

  2. Offerings and Sacrifices: Some magickal practices involve making offerings or sacrifices as a way to establish a connection with the spiritual realm or entities involved. These offerings can take the form of physical items, such as food, drink, or symbolic objects, and they are seen as gestures of respect, gratitude, and reciprocity. By giving something of value, practitioners show their dedication and commitment to the magickal working.

  3. Ethical Considerations: The concept of give and take in magick also extends to ethical considerations. Many magickal practitioners believe in the rule of threefold return or the concept of karma, which suggests that the energy and intentions put out into the world will come back to the individual. Therefore, practicing magick responsibly and with good intentions is seen as important to maintain a harmonious and balanced energetic exchange.

  4. Relationships with Deities or Spirits: In some magickal traditions, practitioners may work with deities, spirits, or other entities as part of their magickal practice. Establishing and maintaining a relationship with these beings often involves giving offerings, prayers, or acts of devotion as a form of respect and acknowledgement. By honoring and engaging in a reciprocal relationship with these entities, practitioners seek their aid and guidance in their magical workings.


Curses and Hexes

People toss the words curse and hex around like they are a daily occurrence. The truth of the matter is, hexes and curses and very hard to do, take a lot of time to nurture and usually require deep knowledge in the tradition you are casting. Odds are you have never had a curse put on you even though some misguided practitioner tried.


Baneful Magick

Baneful magick, smiteful magick, and harmful magick are terms often used interchangeably to refer to the practice of using magick or spellwork to cause harm or negative consequences to someone or something. The difference between these terms may vary depending on individual interpretations or traditions within the occult community.

It is important to note that the ethics of performing baneful magick or any form of harmful spellwork can be a subject of debate among practitioners. Some argue that magick should be used responsibly and not directed towards causing harm, while others believe in the concept of "justified harm" or defensive magick, where such practices are deemed acceptable under certain circumstances, such as self-defense or protection of others.

If you are interested in exploring baneful magick or similar practices, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. Intention: Clearly define your intention and be honest with yourself about the reasons behind it. Reflect on whether the harm you wish to cause is justified and necessary.

  2. Responsibility: Take responsibility for your actions and be prepared to face the consequences. Understand that negative energy or actions can create a cycle of retaliation and harm, which may affect you as well.

  3. Karma: Consider the concept of karma or the belief in cause and effect. Some traditions suggest that whatever energy you put out into the world will eventually return to you in some form. This includes the energy generated by baneful magick.

  4. Ethical Framework: Establish your own ethical framework for practicing magick. This might involve setting personal boundaries and guidelines that align with your moral values and respect for others.

  5. Alternatives: Explore non-harmful approaches first. Seek to resolve conflicts or address issues through communication, personal growth, or healing methods. Exhaust all peaceful and constructive options before considering baneful magick.

Regarding guilt, each individual's response to their actions can vary. Some practitioners may not feel guilt if they believe their actions were justified, while others may experience guilt or inner conflict regardless of their justifications. It is essential to be honest with yourself, reflect on your intentions and motivations, and make decisions that align with your personal values and beliefs.

It is worth noting that the use of magick for positive, healing, or transformative purposes tends to be more widely accepted and encouraged within various occult and spiritual communities.


Harm None Debate

The "harm none" debate within paganism revolves around the ethical principles and moral guidelines that practitioners should adhere to. It primarily stems from the Wiccan Rede, a statement commonly associated with Wicca, which states, "An it harm none, do what ye will." This phrase is often interpreted as a call to avoid causing harm to oneself or others in one's actions and choices.

However, the interpretation and application of the concept of "harm none" vary within the pagan community. Here are some key points in the debate:

  1. Literal Interpretation: Some pagans interpret "harm none" literally, believing that they should strive to avoid causing any harm or negative consequences to any living being. This includes physical harm, emotional harm, or any detrimental impact on others' well-being. They may prioritize non-violence, compassion, and altruism in their actions.

  2. Balancing Harm: Others argue that absolute adherence to "harm none" is impractical and unrealistic. They believe that harm can be inherent in certain situations, such as self-defense or protection of others, and that harm may sometimes be necessary for personal growth or the greater good. This perspective emphasizes the need to balance conflicting values and make ethical decisions based on the specific circumstances.

  3. Personal Responsibility: Some pagans emphasize personal responsibility and accountability rather than focusing solely on "harm none." They believe that individuals should critically consider the consequences of their actions and take responsibility for the outcomes, aiming to minimize harm while also recognizing that it may not always be entirely avoidable.

  4. Individual Interpretation: Paganism encompasses a wide range of traditions and paths, and individual practitioners have their own beliefs and interpretations. Some may reject the concept of "harm none" altogether, arguing that it oversimplifies complex ethical considerations or imposes unnecessary restrictions on personal freedom and growth.

  5. Cultural and Historical Context: The debate also takes into account the cultural and historical context of various pagan traditions. Some argue that the concept of "harm none" is influenced by modern ethical frameworks, such as human rights and environmental concerns, which may not align with the practices and beliefs of ancient pagan cultures.

It's important to recognize that pagan religions are diverse, and beliefs around ethics and "harm none" can vary significantly among different paths, traditions, and individuals. The debate reflects the ongoing exploration and discussion within the pagan community about the appropriate ethical guidelines to follow and how to navigate the complexities of morality within pagan belief systems.

That said, here are some pagan religions that don't necessarily subscribe to the belief of "harm none":

  1. Asatru: This is a modern revival of the pre-Christian religions of the Germanic peoples. While there is no central authority or dogma in Asatru, the religion generally emphasizes the values of strength, courage, and honor, and may prioritize these values over concerns about causing harm to others.

  2. Heathenry: Similar to Asatru, Heathenry is a modern revival of pre-Christian Germanic religions. While it also emphasizes honor and valor, some sects may be more concerned with maintaining tradition than with avoiding harm to others.

  3. Kemeticism: This is a revival of the religion of ancient Egypt. While there are many variations of Kemeticism, some practitioners may prioritize the interests of the gods or the community over the principle of "harm none."

  4. Hellenism: This is a revival of the religion of ancient Greece. While there is no central authority or dogma in Hellenism, some practitioners may prioritize honoring the gods and maintaining traditions over concerns about causing harm to others.

  5. Druidry: This is a modern revival of the religion of the ancient Celtic peoples. While there is no central authority or dogma in Druidry, some practitioners may prioritize the balance and harmony of nature over the principle of "harm none."

  6. Satanism: This is a diverse group of religions and philosophies that are centered around the figure of Satan. While not all forms of Satanism are pagan, some are, and they generally reject the idea of "harm none" in favor of individualism and personal power.

  7. Thelema: This is a religion and philosophy that was founded by the English occultist Aleister Crowley in the early 20th century. While Thelema does place a high value on personal responsibility and ethical behavior, it also encourages its practitioners to pursue their own will and desires without concern for the opinions of others.

  8. Vodou: This is a religion that originated in Haiti and combines elements of West African, Catholic, and indigenous Caribbean spirituality. While Vodou places a high value on community and the wellbeing of others, it also recognizes the existence of malevolent spirits and may use defensive or aggressive magic to protect against them.

  9. Santeria: This is a syncretic religion that originated in Cuba and combines elements of West African and Catholic spirituality. While Santeria emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and treating others with respect, it also recognizes the existence of malevolent spirits and may use magic to protect against them.

  10. Feri Tradition: This is a modern neopagan tradition that was founded in California in the 1960s. While Feri places a strong emphasis on ethics and personal responsibility, it does not necessarily adhere to the principle of "harm none" and may instead focus on principles like balance and power.

  11. Reconstructionist Paganism: This is a diverse movement of pagans who seek to reconstruct and revive the religions of ancient cultures, such as the Norse, Celtic, or Greek traditions. While there is no central dogma or belief system within Reconstructionist Paganism, some practitioners may prioritize historical accuracy and the preservation of tradition over concerns about causing harm to others.

  12. Discordianism: This is a modern religion and philosophy that was founded in the 1960s. While Discordianism is often characterized by its humor and irreverence, it also rejects the idea of "harm none" in favor of principles like chaos, creativity, and personal freedom.

  13. The Satanic Temple: This is a modern religious and political organization that is often associated with Satanism, but which also draws inspiration from a range of other sources, including humanism and secularism. While The Satanic Temple places a strong emphasis on ethical behavior and social justice, it does not necessarily adhere to the principle of "harm none" and may instead prioritize values like individualism, critical thinking, and skepticism.

  14. Ásatrúarfélagið: This is a modern religious organization that is based in Iceland and follows a revival of the pre-Christian religion of the Nordic peoples. While Ásatrúarfélagið places a strong emphasis on community and ethical behavior, it also recognizes the existence of malevolent beings and may use magic to protect against them.

  15. Stregheria: This is a modern neopagan tradition that draws on the beliefs and practices of the witches of Italy. While Stregheria places a strong emphasis on ethics and personal responsibility, it also recognizes the existence of malevolent spirits and may use magic to protect against them.


Infinity symbol magical meaning

While the infinity symbol itself does not have an inherent magical meaning, it has been associated with various magical and spiritual interpretations by different cultures and belief systems. Here are a few examples:

  1. Eternal Cycle: The infinity symbol is often seen as a representation of the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It can symbolize the continuous flow of energy and the interconnectedness of all things.

  2. Infinite Possibilities: Some interpret the infinity symbol as a reminder of the infinite possibilities and potential that exists in the universe. It can represent the idea that there are no limits to what one can achieve or manifest.

  3. Balance and Harmony: The symmetry and balance of the infinity symbol can be seen as a representation of harmony and equilibrium. It signifies the need for balance between opposing forces, such as light and dark, masculine and feminine, or yin and yang.

  4. Spiritual Unity: In certain spiritual traditions, the infinity symbol is associated with the concept of spiritual unity. It represents the interconnectedness of all beings and the underlying unity of the universe.

  5. Timelessness: The infinity symbol can also be linked to the concept of timelessness or the eternal present moment. It serves as a reminder to focus on the here and now, embracing the present and letting go of attachment to past or future.



Divination encompasses a wide range of practices and methods used to gain insight, seek answers, or access hidden knowledge. While the specific techniques and tools vary, the common thread among divination practices is the belief that there are forces, energies, or higher realms that can provide guidance or information beyond normal perception. Here are some common forms of divination:

  1. Tarot Reading: Tarot cards are used to gain insight into past, present, and future events. Each card has symbolic meanings and can be interpreted to provide guidance or predictions.

  2. Astrology: Astrology involves studying the positions and movements of celestial bodies to understand and interpret their influence on human behavior and events. Birth charts and horoscopes are often used to provide insight and predictions.

  3. Numerology: Numerology assigns meaning and significance to numbers and calculations. It is believed that numbers have inherent vibrations and can reveal personality traits, life path, and future events.

  4. Palmistry: Palmistry (Chiromancy) is the practice of analyzing the lines, shapes, and markings on a person's palm to gain insight into their character traits, life events, and potential future outcomes.

  5. Runes: Runes are ancient symbols typically inscribed on small stones or wooden pieces. They are cast or drawn and interpreted to gain insight or guidance. Each rune has its own meaning and can provide answers or advice.

  6. I Ching: The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text. It uses a system of hexagrams to provide guidance and insight into various aspects of life and decision-making.

  7. Pendulum Divination: A pendulum, often a weighted object suspended on a string or chain, is used to answer yes-or-no questions or provide direction based on its movements.

  8. Ouija Board: The Ouija board is a tool used to communicate with spirits or entities. Participants place their hands on a planchette, which moves across the board to spell out messages or provide answers.

  9. Scrying: Scrying involves using reflective surfaces like crystal balls, mirrors, or water to induce visions or receive messages.

  10. Tea Leaf Reading (Tasseography): This method involves interpreting patterns formed by tea leaves in a cup or saucer to gain insight into future events or receive messages.

  11. Cartomancy: Cartomancy involves using a standard deck of playing cards for divination. Each card has specific meanings that can be interpreted to provide guidance or predictions.

  12. Bibliomancy: In bibliomancy, a sacred text or book is randomly opened, and a passage is selected to provide guidance or answers to questions.

  13. Pyromancy: Pyromancy is the practice of divination through fire. It involves interpreting the shapes, colors, or movements of flames to gain insight or receive messages.

  14. Crystal Divination: Crystals and gemstones are used for divination purposes. They can be selected, placed, or interpreted based on their energetic properties to gain guidance or insight.

  15. Aura Reading: Aura reading involves perceiving and interpreting the energy field surrounding a person (their aura) to gain insights into their emotional, physical, or spiritual state.

  16. Dowsing: Dowsing is the practice of using a dowsing rod, pendulum, or other divining tool to locate water, minerals, or other hidden objects or information.

  17. Augury: Augury is a form of divination that involves observing and interpreting the behavior or flight patterns of birds, particularly in relation to specific questions or situations.

  18. Hydromancy: Hydromancy is divination through water. This can involve interpreting patterns, images, or movements observed in water, such as in a bowl or a pool, to gain insight or receive messages.

  19. Aeromancy: Aeromancy is the practice of divining information or receiving messages through the observation and interpretation of atmospheric conditions, such as the movement or patterns of clouds, wind, or thunder.

  20. Geomancy: Geomancy involves interpreting patterns or markings on the earth, such as soil, sand, or rocks, to gain insight or make predictions about future events or situations.

  21. Lithomancy: Lithomancy is divination through the use of stones or gemstones. The stones are cast, arranged, or interpreted based on their properties, colors, or patterns to provide guidance or answers.




Acacia ~ Money

Alfalfa ~ Prosperity, Money

Alkanet ~ Prosperity

Allspice ~ Money, Luck

Almond ~ Money, Prosperity

Aloe ~ Luck

Balm, Lemon ~ Success

Balm of Gilead ~ Manifestations

Bamboo ~ Luck, Wishes

Banana ~ Prosperity

Banyan ~ Luck

Basil ~ Wealth

Benzoin ~ Prosperity

Bergamot, Orange ~ Money, Success

Be-Still ~ Luck

Blackberry ~ Money

Bluebell ~ Luck

Blueberry ~ Protection

Blue Flag ~ Money

Briony ~ Money

Bromeliad ~ Money

Cabbage ~ Luck

Calamus ~ Luck, Money

Camellia ~ Riches

Camphor ~ Luck

Cascara Sagrada ~ Legal Matters, Money

Cashew ~ Money

Cedar ~ Money

Celandine ~ Legal Matters

Chamomile ~ Money

Chicory ~ Removing Obstacles

China Berry ~ Luck

Cinchona ~ Luck

Cinnamon ~ Success, Power, Prosperity

Cinquefoil ~ Money

Clove ~ Money

Clover ~ Money, Success, Luck

Club Moss ~ Power

Corn ~ Luck

Cotton ~ Luck

Daffodil ~ Love

Daisy ~ Luck

Devils Shoestring ~ Gambling, Luck

Dill ~ Money, Luck

Dittany of Crete ~ Manifestations

Dock ~ Money

Echinacea ~ Strengthening Spells

Fenugreek ~ Money

Fern ~ Luck, Riches

Flax ~ Money

Fumitory ~ Money

Galangal ~ Money

Garlic ~ Anti-Theft

Ginger ~ Money, Success, Abundance

Goldenrod ~ Money

Grains of Paradise ~ Luck, Money, Wishes

Grape ~ Money

Hazel ~ Luck, Wishes

Heather ~ Luck

Heliotrope ~ Wealth

High John the Conqueror ~ Money

Honesty ~ Money

Honeysuckle ~ Money

Horse Chestnut ~ Money

Houseleek ~ Luck

Huckleberry ~ Luck

Irish Moss ~ Money, Luck

Jasmine ~ Money

Jobs Tears ~ Wishes, Luck

Juniper ~ Anti-Theft

Kava-Kave ~ Luck

Linden ~ Luck

Lotus ~ Lock-Opening

Lucky Hand ~ Luck, Money

Male Fern ~ Luck

Marjoram ~ Money

May Apple ~ Money

Mint ~ Money, Luck

Moonwort ~ Money

Moss ~ Money

Myrtle ~ Money

Neroli ~ Money

Nuts ~ Luck

Nutmeg ~ Money

Oak ~ Money, Luck

Oats ~ Money

Orange ~ Money

Oregon Grape ~ Money

Patchouli ~ Money

Pea ~ Money

Pecan ~ Money

Periwinkle ~ Money

Pine ~ Money

Pipsissewa ~ Money

Poplar ~ Money

Poppy ~ Money, Luck

Potato ~ Image Magic

Rattlesnake Root ~ Money

Rice ~ Money

Rose ~ Luck

Rowan ~ Power, Success

Sarsaparilla ~ Money

Sassafras ~ Money

Sesame ~ Money

Snakeroot ~ Luck, Money

Snakeroot/black ~ Money

Squill ~ Money

Star, Anise ~ Luck

Stillengia ~ Psychic Powers

Straw ~ Luck, Image Magic

Strawberry ~ Luck

Sumbul ~ Luck

Vervain  Money

Vetivert ~ Luck, Money, Anti-Theft

Violet ~ Luck

Wheat ~ Money

Woodruff ~ Victory, Money


Orange ~ investments

Yellow ~ success

Gold ~ great fortune, abundance, prosperity, money

Green ~ prosperity, abundance, money

Purple ~ change luck

Brown ~ stability

Copper ~ business success, passion, money, career growth

Gray ~ removing negative influence



Agate ~ Abundance

Amazonite ~ Money, Abundance

Amethyst ~ Abundance

Amber ~ Luck

Andalusite ~ Money

Aventurine ~ Abundance

Black Onyx ~ Good Fortune

Carnelian ~ Abundance

Citrine ~ Money, Wealth

Clear Quartz ~ Money, Abundance

Diamond ~ Abundance

Emerald & Ruby (together) ~ Opens for Abundance

Garnet ~ Unblocks Energy, Abundance

Golden Quartz ~ Success, Power

Green Aventurine ~ Luck, Abundance, Success, Money, Wealth

Green Jade ~ Good luck, Money

Lapis lazuli ~ Abundance

Malachite ~ Money

Peridot ~ Money, Abundance

Pyrite ~ Money, Prosperity, Wealth

Rainbow Moonstone ~ Good Fortune

Rose quartz ~ Abundance

Selenite ~ Abundance

Tiger’s Eye ~ Money, Wealth

Topaz ~ Abundance

Tourmaline ~ Abundance

Turquoise ~ Luck, Wealth



Fehu ~ Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity



Ten of Pentacles ~ Wealth over time

Six of Wands ~ Can signify a cash prize or reward

Nine of Pentacles ~ Suggests material abundance, luxurious lifestyle, disposable income

Ace of Pentacles ~ new opportunity

Sun ~ suggests positive outcomes, high-earning investments, increased savings

Four of Pentacles ~ focused on managing your finances conservatively

Wheel of Fortune ~ promise of good luck

Seven of Pentacles ~ long-term investments to pay good dividends

Nine of Cups ~ about the Law of Attraction

Page of Pentacles ~ new venture



2nd House represents your money

Jupiter ~ Abundance, Good fortune. Associated it with growth, expansion, and opportunities

Mercury ~ financial gain through business and communication skills

Saturn ~  gives the motivation to hold onto money

Reason(s) to do Magick and who to call upon

Reason(s) to do Magick and who to call upon

Personal Empowerment

  1. Self-confidence and self-esteem

  2. Self-discovery and personal growth

  3. Overcoming fears and limitations

  4. Developing self-discipline and focus

  5. Cultivating inner strength and resilience

  6. Taking control of one's life and destiny

  7. Building a positive mindset and belief system

  8. Cultivating assertiveness and healthy boundaries

  9. Enhancing self-expression and creativity

  10. Cultivating a sense of purpose and direction.



Who to Call Upon

  1. Odin: Odin is the Allfather and the ruler of the Norse pantheon. He is associated with wisdom, knowledge, and personal growth. You can invoke Odin to gain insight, wisdom, and self-discovery.

  2. Freya: Freya is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She embodies self-confidence and self-esteem. Calling upon Freya can help you enhance your self-worth and develop a positive self-image.

  3. Thor: Thor is the god of thunder and strength. He represents inner strength, resilience, and overcoming obstacles. Invoking Thor can help you find the courage to face and conquer your fears and limitations.

  4. Tyr: Tyr is the god of law and justice. He embodies self-discipline, focus, and the ability to make tough decisions. Praying to Tyr can help you develop self-discipline, stay focused on your goals, and make choices that align with your values.

  5. Frigg: Frigg is the queen of the gods and the goddess of wisdom, motherhood, and protection. She is associated with nurturing qualities and can aid you in cultivating inner strength and resilience.

  6. Loki: Loki is a complex figure in Norse mythology, known for his trickery and transformative nature. He can be called upon for personal transformation, breaking through limitations, and embracing change.

  7. Heimdall: Heimdall is the watchman of the gods and the guardian of the Bifröst, the rainbow bridge. He represents awareness and vigilance. Invoking Heimdall can help you become more mindful, aware of your surroundings, and take control of your life and destiny.

  8. Bragi: Bragi is the god of poetry and eloquence. He is associated with creativity and self-expression. Calling upon Bragi can help you enhance your creativity, find your voice, and express yourself authentically.

  9. Idun: Idun is the goddess of youth, rejuvenation, and vitality. She can be called upon for cultivating a positive mindset, building a belief system centered on growth and abundance, and embracing a sense of purpose and direction.

  10. Skadi: Skadi is the goddess of winter, hunting, and mountains. She embodies assertiveness, independence, and setting healthy boundaries. Invoking Skadi can help you cultivate assertiveness, establish healthy boundaries in relationships, and assert your needs.


Manifestation and goal achievement

  1. Attracting abundance and prosperity

  2. Achieving career or business success

  3. Finding love and nurturing relationships

  4. Enhancing health and well-being

  5. Manifesting personal and professional opportunities

  6. Creating positive changes in life circumstances

  7. Setting and achieving specific goals

  8. Cultivating a positive and success-oriented mindset

  9. Aligning with one's true desires and aspirations

  10. Bringing about desired changes in life.



Who to Call Upon

  1. Freyr: Freyr is the god of fertility, abundance, and prosperity. He is associated with bountiful harvests and material wealth. Invoke Freyr to attract abundance and prosperity into your life.

  2. Freya: As mentioned earlier, Freya is the goddess of love and beauty. She can help you in finding love and nurturing relationships. Additionally, she is associated with wealth and can aid you in achieving career or business success.

  3. Eir: Eir is the goddess of healing and medicine. She can be invoked to enhance health and well-being in all aspects of your life.

  4. Odin: Odin, being the wise and knowledgeable deity, can assist you in manifesting personal and professional opportunities. He is associated with leadership and can guide you toward achieving success in your career or business endeavors.

  5. Frigg: Frigg, the goddess of wisdom and protection, can help you create positive changes in life circumstances. She can provide guidance and support in making wise decisions that lead to desired outcomes.

  6. Thor: Thor, the god of thunder and strength, can aid you in setting and achieving specific goals. He brings the strength and determination needed to overcome obstacles and accomplish your objectives.

  7. Loki: Loki, the trickster god, possesses transformative powers and can help you bring about desired changes in your life. He can assist in breaking through limitations and embracing new opportunities.

  8. Njord: Njord is the god of seafaring, wealth, and commerce. He can be called upon to attract financial abundance and success in business ventures.

  9. Idun: As mentioned earlier, Idun represents youth and vitality. Invoking her can bring about positive changes in your health and well-being.

  10. Sif: Sif is the goddess of fertility and grain. She can aid in manifesting abundance and prosperity, particularly in agricultural and financial matters.


Spiritual Connection

  1. Seeking a deeper connection with the divine or higher power

  2. Exploring and understanding one's spirituality

  3. Connecting with spiritual guides, deities, or archetypes

  4. Cultivating a sense of awe and wonder in the universe

  5. Aligning with universal energies and cosmic forces

  6. Seeking guidance and wisdom from spiritual sources

  7. Exploring the nature of consciousness and existence

  8. Cultivating a sense of inner peace and harmony

  9. Developing a personal spiritual practice

  10. Deepening the understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.



Who to Call Upon

  1. Odin: Odin is the Allfather and the god of wisdom, knowledge, and magic. He can guide you in seeking a deeper connection with the divine or higher power. Odin is associated with spiritual insight, mystical experiences, and understanding the nature of existence.

  2. Frigg: Frigg, the queen of the gods, represents nurturing and protective aspects. She can assist you in cultivating inner peace, harmony, and a sense of awe and wonder in the universe. Invoke Frigg for guidance in developing a personal spiritual practice and connecting with spiritual guides.

  3. Freya: Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, and magic, can help you explore and understand your spirituality. She is associated with shamanic practices, divination, and connecting with spiritual forces. Call upon Freya to deepen your connection with spiritual guides, deities, or archetypes.

  4. Tyr: Tyr is the god of law and justice. He embodies integrity and can aid you in aligning with universal energies and cosmic forces. Tyr can help you seek guidance and wisdom from spiritual sources.

  5. Heimdall: Heimdall, the guardian of the Bifröst, possesses heightened perception and awareness. He can assist you in exploring the nature of consciousness and existence. Invoke Heimdall for guidance in deepening your spiritual understanding and connecting with the divine.

  6. Baldr: Baldr is the god of light and purity. He represents beauty and goodness. Baldr can support you in cultivating a sense of inner peace, harmony, and spiritual purity. Call upon Baldr for guidance in your spiritual journey.

  7. Idun: Idun, the goddess of youth and rejuvenation, can aid in developing a personal spiritual practice. She represents renewal and vitality. Invoking Idun can help you in staying connected to the essence of life and discovering spiritual growth.

  8. Hel: Hel is the goddess of the underworld and the realms beyond. She can assist in exploring the depths of spirituality and understanding the interconnectedness of all beings. Hel can provide insights into the mysteries of life and death.

  9. Bragi: Bragi is the god of poetry, music, and eloquence. He can aid you in expressing your spiritual experiences and insights through creative means. Invoke Bragi to enhance your spiritual expression and connect with the divine through art and music.

  10. Helgi and Sigrun: Helgi and Sigrun are heroic figures in Norse mythology associated with spiritual journeys and divine encounters. They can be invoked for inspiration and guidance in embarking on your own spiritual quest and connecting with higher realms.

  11. Skadi: Skadi, the goddess of winter and mountains, represents solitude, introspection, and self-discovery. She can guide you in exploring the depths of your spirituality and finding inner peace through solitary practices in nature.

  12. Vidar: Vidar is the silent god of vengeance and renewal. He embodies inner strength and resilience. Call upon Vidar to help you overcome spiritual obstacles, find renewal in your spiritual journey, and embrace your inner power.

  13. Norns: The Norns are the three goddesses of fate and destiny—Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. They govern the past, present, and future, respectively. You can seek their guidance in understanding the threads of your spiritual path, connecting with your life's purpose, and shaping your destiny.

  14. Mimir: Mimir is a wise being associated with knowledge and wisdom. He guards the well of wisdom and can grant you insights and deeper understanding of spiritual matters. Invoke Mimir to seek guidance and wisdom from the depths of the cosmic knowledge.



Healing and Well-being

  1. Physical healing and recovery

  2. Emotional healing and release of past traumas

  3. Energetic cleansing and balancing

  4. Promoting mental clarity and peace of mind

  5. Cultivating self-care and self-love practices

  6. Boosting overall vitality and energy levels

  7. Enhancing emotional resilience and stress management

  8. Addressing specific ailments or health concerns

  9. Supporting inner emotional and psychological healing

  10. Cultivating a sense of overall well-being and wholeness.



Who to Call Upon

  1. Eir: Eir is the goddess of healing and medicine. She can be invoked for physical healing and recovery. Ask for her guidance and support in restoring health and vitality to your body.

  2. Freya: Freya, as the goddess of love and beauty, can aid in emotional healing and the release of past traumas. Call upon her to help you heal emotional wounds and find inner peace.

  3. Frigg: Frigg, the queen of the gods, represents nurturing and protective qualities. She can assist in energetic cleansing and balancing, promoting mental clarity, and peace of mind.

  4. Odin: Odin, the Allfather, possesses wisdom and knowledge. Seek his guidance for cultivating self-care and self-love practices, boosting vitality and energy levels, and enhancing emotional resilience and stress management.

  5. Thor: Thor, the god of strength and protection, can provide support in addressing specific ailments or health concerns. Call upon Thor for physical strength and vitality.

  6. Idun: Idun, the goddess of youth and rejuvenation, can aid in inner emotional and psychological healing. Invoke her for support in regaining a sense of well-being and wholeness.

  7. Sif: Sif is the goddess associated with grain and fertility. She can assist in cultivating overall well-being and boosting vitality. Call upon Sif to increase your energy levels and promote a sense of vitality and abundance.

  8. Njord: Njord, the god of seafaring and wealth, can be called upon for healing and well-being. Invoke Njord to bring balance and harmony to your life and promote a sense of overall well-being.

  9. Hel: Hel, the goddess of the underworld, represents the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. She can provide guidance and support in addressing deep-rooted emotional issues and facilitating inner transformation and healing.

  10. Baldr: Baldr, the god of light and purity, can aid in the cultivation of inner peace, emotional healing, and overall well-being. Call upon Baldr to bring light and purity to your mind, body, and spirit.

Intuition and Psychic Development

  1. Enhancing intuitive abilities

  2. Strengthening psychic awareness

  3. Developing clairvoyance or clairaudience

  4. Cultivating heightened sensitivity and perception

  5. Connecting with spirit guides or higher realms

  6. Deepening the understanding of symbolism and signs

  7. Expanding psychic communication and telepathy

  8. Exploring past lives and ancestral connections

  9. Cultivating trust in one's inner guidance

  10. Developing skills in divination and psychic reading.



Who to Call Upon

  1. Baldr, the god of light and purity, can aid in cultivating trust in your inner guidance and intuition. He can help you develop skills in divination and psychic reading. Call upon Baldr for guidance in deepening your psychic abilities and understanding the messages you receive.

  2. Bragi is the god of poetry and eloquence. He can aid in the development of clear and precise communication in your psychic endeavors. Call upon Bragi to enhance your ability to articulate and interpret psychic insights and messages.

  3. Eir is the goddess of healing and medicine. She can aid in the healing of any psychic wounds or blocks that may hinder your intuitive development. Invoke Eir for guidance in clearing and balancing your psychic energy, promoting a healthy and vibrant intuitive connection.

  4. Forseti, the god of justice and mediation, can assist you in developing clarity and discernment in your psychic practice. Invoke Forseti for guidance in making sound decisions, resolving conflicts within your psychic experiences, and maintaining a harmonious spiritual connection.

  5.  Freya, the goddess of love and magic, can assist in cultivating heightened sensitivity and perception. She can help you deepen your connection with your intuition and develop psychic abilities. Call upon Freya to enhance your psychic awareness and understanding of symbolism and signs.

  6. Freyr, the god of fertility and abundance, can aid in opening yourself to receiving messages and insights from the spiritual realm. Call upon Freyr for support in expanding your psychic abilities and cultivating a receptive mindset.

  7. Frigg: Frigg, the queen of the gods, possesses deep wisdom and insight. She can support you in deepening your understanding of symbolism and signs. Call upon Frigg for guidance in developing psychic abilities, exploring past lives and ancestral connections, and cultivating trust in your inner guidance.

  8. Heimdall, the watchman of the gods, has heightened perception and awareness. He can aid in deepening your understanding of symbolism and signs, as well as in developing your psychic abilities. Invoke Heimdall for guidance in exploring past lives and ancestral connections.

  9.  Hel, the goddess of the underworld, holds knowledge and insight into the depths of the subconscious. Invoke Hel to explore your own inner depths, uncover hidden truths, and develop your psychic abilities.

  10.  Idun, the goddess of youth and rejuvenation, represents renewal and vitality. Invoking Idun can help you in maintaining a clear and energized state of mind, which is beneficial for psychic development and intuition.

  11. Loki, the trickster god, possesses transformative and shapeshifting abilities. He can help you expand your awareness, think outside the box, and develop unconventional approaches to psychic development. Call upon Loki to challenge your perceptions and push the boundaries of your intuitive abilities.

  12. Njord, the god of seafaring and wealth, can help you navigate the vast realms of intuition and psychic development. Invoke Njord to bring balance and harmony to your psychic abilities and to align with the flow of cosmic energies.

  13. Ran and Aegir are sea deities associated with depths and mysteries. They can help you dive into the depths of your intuition, explore subconscious realms, and connect with hidden aspects of yourself. Call upon Ran and Aegir for guidance in unlocking your psychic potential and uncovering hidden knowledge.

  14. Sif, the goddess of grain and fertility, is associated with abundance and growth. She can support you in expanding your intuitive abilities and manifesting positive outcomes in your psychic work. Call upon Sif for guidance in cultivating a fruitful and prosperous psychic journey.

  15. Skadi, the goddess of winter and the hunt, represents endurance and perseverance. She can help you develop resilience and determination in your psychic journey, especially during challenging times. Call upon Skadi for strength and support as you push through obstacles and continue to develop your psychic abilities.

  16. Thor, the god of thunder and strength, can provide grounding and protection during psychic exploration. Seek Thor's assistance in developing a strong foundation and maintaining a safe and balanced approach to psychic development.

  17. Tyr, the god of justice and courage, embodies strength of will and integrity. He can support you in developing discipline and focus in your psychic practice. Invoke Tyr for guidance in honing your psychic abilities, setting boundaries, and maintaining a clear and ethical approach to your intuitive work.

  18. Vidar, the silent god of vengeance, possesses great strength and wisdom. He can help you access deep reserves of inner power and wisdom in your psychic work. Call upon Vidar for guidance in unlocking your hidden potential and developing a strong connection with your intuitive abilities.


Ritual and Ceremony

  1. Honoring and celebrating important life events

  2. Creating sacred space for spiritual practices

  3. Connecting with ancestral traditions and heritage

  4. Marking seasonal changes and cycles

  5. Commemorating personal milestones and achievements

  6. Facilitating transformation and personal growth

  7. Invoking and connecting with spiritual energies or entities

  8. Deepening one's connection to the divine or higher power

  9. Creating a sense of sacredness and reverence in daily life

  10. Seeking guidance and insight through ritualistic practices.


Divination and Gaining Insights

  1. Seeking guidance and clarity on specific life situations

  2. Exploring future possibilities and potential outcomes

  3. Gaining deeper self-understanding and self-reflection

  4. Accessing higher wisdom and universal knowledge

  5. Uncovering hidden patterns and subconscious influences

  6. Making informed decisions and choices

  7. Exploring the deeper meaning behind events and experiences

  8. Understanding the energetic dynamics at play in life

  9. Connecting with intuition and inner knowing

  10. Expanding awareness and gaining a broader perspective.



Protection and Cleansing

  1. Warding off negative energies and entities

  2. Creating a protective barrier around oneself or one's space

  3. Removing energetic blockages and stagnant energy

  4. Clearing and purifying one's aura or energy field

  5. Banishing harmful influences or intentions

  6. Safeguarding against psychic attacks or energetic intrusions

  7. Creating a sense of energetic and spiritual safety

  8. Releasing attachments and cords that no longer serve

  9. Purifying and consecrating sacred objects or tools

  10. Promoting a sense of inner peace and harmony.

  11. Creating a sacred and energetically safe space for rituals or meditation

  12. Restoring and rejuvenating one's energy after challenging experiences.



Protection and Cleansing

  1. Shielding oneself from negative influences in the environment

  2. Cleansing and purifying physical spaces, such as homes or workplaces

  3. Guarding against spiritual or energetic disturbances

  4. Releasing and transmuting negative emotions and energies

  5. Creating a harmonious and energetically balanced environment

  6. Strengthening personal boundaries and energetic integrity

  7. Protecting loved ones or pets from harm or negative energies

  8. Clearing and purifying ritual tools or sacred objects before use.


Connection with Nature and the Elements

  1. Honoring and appreciating the natural world

  2. Cultivating a deep sense of interconnectedness with nature

  3. Seeking guidance and wisdom from the natural elements

  4. Aligning with the rhythms and cycles of nature

  5. Harnessing the elemental energies for magical purposes

  6. Developing a greater understanding of the natural forces at work

  7. Deepening one's connection with plants, animals, and ecosystems

  8. Finding solace and peace in natural surroundings

  9. Connecting with the spiritual essence of natural elements (earth, air, fire, water)

  10. Embracing the healing and transformative powers of nature.

  11. Finding spiritual nourishment and rejuvenation in nature.



Connection with Nature and the Elements

  1. Seeking inspiration and creativity from the natural world

  2. Learning from the wisdom of ancient nature-based traditions

  3. Developing a sense of stewardship and environmental responsibility

  4. Working with the natural elements to bring balance and harmony

  5. Utilizing the energies of specific landscapes or natural locations

  6. Deepening awareness of the seasons and their significance

  7. Embracing the transformative power of natural cycles and growth

  8. Cultivating a deeper sense of grounding and rootedness

  9. Connecting with the spirits or energies of specific plants, trees, or animals


Enhancing Creativity and Inspiration

  1. Stimulating innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities

  2. Tapping into the wellspring of creative energy within oneself

  3. Overcoming creative blocks and self-doubt

  4. Cultivating a sense of flow and inspiration in artistic endeavors

  5. Connecting with the muse or source of creative inspiration

  6. Expanding artistic expression and pushing creative boundaries

  7. Awakening dormant talents and unlocking creative potential

  8. Infusing magickal practices into artistic or creative rituals

  9. Drawing inspiration from spiritual and mystical sources

  10. Accessing higher realms of inspiration and imagination.



Exploring Different Spiritual Traditions

  1. Broadening one's understanding of diverse spiritual beliefs and practices

  2. Seeking wisdom and teachings from various spiritual paths

  3. Finding resonance and connection with different cultural and religious traditions

  4. Expanding one's spiritual toolkit and practices through cross-cultural exploration

  5. Deepening respect and appreciation for global spiritual heritage

  6. Seeking alternative perspectives on spiritual growth and enlightenment

  7. Exploring different ritual practices and ceremonial traditions

  8. Discovering common threads and universal truths among different traditions

  9. Nurturing a sense of inclusivity and interfaith dialogue

  10. Cultivating a personal spiritual path that integrates various influences.



Seeking Guidance and Wisdom

  1. Accessing higher guidance for making important life decisions

  2. Seeking clarity and insight on specific challenges or dilemmas

  3. Connecting with spiritual guides, deities, or ancestors for wisdom

  4. Expanding one's perspective and understanding of life's complexities

  5. Receiving guidance on personal growth and self-development

  6. Gaining insight into the deeper meaning and purpose of life

  7. Exploring esoteric knowledge and hidden mysteries

  8. Seeking answers to existential questions and spiritual inquiries

  9. Cultivating a sense of inner wisdom and intuition

  10. Nurturing a deeper connection with universal wisdom and cosmic consciousness.



Cultivating Mindfulness and Presence

  1. Developing a deeper awareness of the present moment

  2. Cultivating a sense of inner peace and calm

  3. Enhancing focus and concentration

  4. Training the mind to be more attentive and present

  5. Heightening the senses and experiencing the world fully

  6. Increasing self-awareness and self-reflection

  7. Cultivating gratitude and appreciation for the present moment

  8. Nurturing a sense of interconnectedness with all beings

  9. Deepening spiritual practice through mindful rituals and ceremonies

  10. Cultivating a state of inner stillness and centeredness.

  11. Finding solace and peace by anchoring oneself in the present moment.



Cultivating Mindfulness and Presence

  1. Developing resilience and equanimity in the face of challenges

  2. Enhancing the ability to let go of attachments and live in the present

  3. Cultivating a sense of acceptance and non-judgment towards oneself and others

  4. Connecting with the divine or spiritual essence within the present moment

  5. Practicing mindfulness as a form of self-care and self-love

  6. Deepening the connection between mind, body, and spirit

  7. Cultivating a sense of wonder and awe in everyday experiences

  8. Using magick as a tool for mindful meditation and contemplation

  9. Bringing awareness to the interconnectedness of all things in the present moment


Connecting with Ancestors and Lineage

  1. Honoring and paying respect to one's ancestral heritage

  2. Seeking guidance and wisdom from ancestral spirits

  3. Healing ancestral wounds and patterns

  4. Strengthening the connection to familial roots and lineage

  5. Gaining insight into one's personal history and heritage

  6. Cultivating a sense of belonging and identity

  7. Acknowledging and honoring the contributions of past generations

  8. Drawing upon ancestral strengths and resilience

  9. Creating a sense of continuity and intergenerational support

  10. Establishing a spiritual connection with ancestors for guidance and protection.



Connecting with Ancestors and Lineage

  1. Seeking ancestral guidance for personal growth and decision-making

  2. Developing a deeper understanding of family traditions and customs

  3. Healing ancestral traumas and unresolved issues

  4. Reclaiming lost or forgotten ancestral knowledge and wisdom

  5. Strengthening the sense of familial bonds and support

  6. Seeking ancestral blessings and protection

  7. Commemorating and celebrating ancestral holidays and rituals

  8. Exploring ancestral spirituality and belief systems

  9. Connecting with the ancestral realm for spiritual guidance and insight

  10. Acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the lineage that has come before.


Exploring Alternative Realities and Dimensions

  1. Expanding one's perception of reality beyond the physical realm

  2. Seeking spiritual experiences beyond ordinary consciousness

  3. Exploring the concept of parallel universes and alternate timelines

  4. Opening oneself to the possibility of otherworldly encounters

  5. Gaining insight into the nature of existence and consciousness

  6. Discovering hidden realms and planes of existence

  7. Accessing spiritual guidance and wisdom from higher dimensions

  8. Exploring astral projection and out-of-body experiences

  9. Connecting with beings or entities from other dimensions

  10. Awakening latent psychic or intuitive abilities through dimensional exploration.



Awakening and Expanding Consciousness

  1. Seeking spiritual growth and self-realization

  2. Awakening dormant potentials and abilities within oneself

  3. Expanding awareness beyond the limitations of everyday consciousness

  4. Deepening connection with higher self and spiritual essence

  5. Gaining a broader perspective on life's purpose and meaning

  6. Enhancing intuition and accessing higher levels of insight

  7. Developing a sense of interconnectedness with all beings

  8. Opening up to higher states of consciousness and expanded awareness

  9. Transcending limiting beliefs and conditioning

  10. Cultivating a sense of unity and oneness with the universe.


Cultivating Love, Compassion, and Gratitude

  1. Nurturing a compassionate and loving heart towards oneself and others

  2. Cultivating a deep sense of empathy and understanding

  3. Promoting forgiveness and healing in relationships

  4. Fostering a positive and harmonious environment

  5. Developing a gratitude practice to appreciate the blessings in life

  6. Sending loving and healing energies to individuals or situations

  7. Opening the heart chakra and expanding the capacity to love

  8. Cultivating a sense of interconnectedness and unity with all beings

  9. Practicing acts of kindness and service to others

  10. Creating a ripple effect of love, compassion, and gratitude in the world.


Building a deeper connection with oneself and others

  1. Cultivating self-awareness and self-understanding

  2. Fostering a stronger sense of self-acceptance and self-love

  3. Deepening the relationship with one's own emotions and inner world

  4. Enhancing communication and empathic abilities in relationships

  5. Healing past wounds and fostering emotional healing

  6. Strengthening bonds and creating deeper connections with loved ones

  7. Cultivating empathy and understanding towards others

  8. Developing better listening skills and presence in interactions

  9. Expanding awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings

  10. Embracing vulnerability and authenticity in relationships.


Honoring and celebrating seasonal changes and cycles

  1. Connecting with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Earth

  2. Acknowledging and honoring the changing seasons

  3. Celebrating the beauty and abundance of each season

  4. Aligning one's energy with the energetic shifts of the seasons

  5. Cultivating a sense of gratitude for the gifts of nature

  6. Participating in seasonal rituals and ceremonies

  7. Marking significant milestones and transitions throughout the year

  8. Harnessing the unique energies and qualities of each season

  9. Deepening one's connection with the natural world

  10. Embracing the cyclical nature of life and personal growth.


Seeking answers to life's questions and mysteries

  1. Exploring the deeper meaning and purpose of life

  2. Seeking guidance and insight into personal challenges and dilemmas

  3. Searching for spiritual truths and universal wisdom

  4. Investigating the mysteries of existence and consciousness

  5. Finding answers to existential questions and philosophical inquiries

  6. Unlocking hidden knowledge and esoteric teachings

  7. Seeking clarity and understanding in times of uncertainty

  8. Connecting with higher realms or divine sources for guidance

  9. Expanding one's perspective and understanding of the world

  10. Discovering one's unique path and purpose in life.



Here some general aspects to consider when seeking or recognizing magickal signs:

  1. Openness and Intention: Be open to receiving signs and set your intention to connect with the gods or ancestors. State your desire for guidance or communication clearly and sincerely.

  2. Awareness and Sensitivity: Develop a heightened awareness of your surroundings and pay attention to synchronicities, unusual occurrences, or patterns that catch your attention. Signs can manifest in various forms such as dreams, visions, coincidences, animal encounters, symbolic objects, or even through other people.

  3. Sacred Space and Ritual: Create a sacred space or perform rituals that align with your spiritual beliefs. This can help you establish a connection with the divine or ancestral energies. Rituals may involve offerings, prayers, meditation, or specific actions that invite the presence of the gods or ancestors.

  4. Divination Tools: Many traditions use divination tools such as tarot cards, runes, pendulums, or scrying mirrors to seek guidance or receive signs. Learning and practicing divination techniques can provide a framework for interpreting messages from the gods or ancestors.

  5. Personal Symbols and Associations: Reflect on personal symbols or objects that hold meaning for you. These symbols may act as a bridge between the mundane and the spiritual realms, facilitating communication and the reception of signs. It could be a particular animal, plant, color, or any other meaningful representation.

  6. Cultivating Relationships: Develop a relationship with the gods or ancestors through regular prayer, meditation, or rituals. The stronger your connection, the more likely you may be to receive signs or messages from them.

  7. Discernment and Interpretation: When signs appear, it's essential to practice discernment and interpret them within the context of your belief system and personal experiences. Signs can be multifaceted, so trust your intuition and rely on your knowledge of symbolism and spiritual teachings to decipher their meaning.

Remember, the specifics of magickal signs and their requirements can vary widely depending on your personal beliefs and the traditions you follow. It's always valuable to consult relevant texts, seek guidance from experienced practitioners, or engage in communities that share similar spiritual practices to deepen your understanding.


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© 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 2019 by LaVinia Reneau.

© 2012, 2013, 2014  by LaVinia Reneau.


Make today and every day a Blessed Day!

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