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The Magickal Moon

Knowing about the Moon Phases is important in all Magick. Each phase of the moon lasts approximately 5 days.

New Moon ~ The first phase in the lunar cycle. The moon is not visible during this time.

The New Moon phase is best used for personal growth, healing, blessing of new projects or ventures and a good time to cleanse and consecrate new tools and objects.

First Quarter Moon ~ The second phase is the phase where the right side of the moon shows, also known as Waxing.

The Waxing moon is best used for attraction magick, inner love spells, protection and healing energy for couples and magick used to attract what you need to accomplish goals.

Full Moon ~ The third phase is the full moon.

The Full Moon is best used for banishing unwanted influences in your life, creating protection magick, releasing old patterns or issues, open the door for healing by giving energy to positive patterns you'll put in place. Full Moon magick can be used during the 3 days prior to the rise of the Full Moon, the night of the Full Moon and during the 3 days after.

Last Quarter Moon ~ The fourth phase in the cycle is where the left side of the moon shows, also known as Waning.

The Waning moon is used for banishing and rejecting those things that influence us in a negative way, negative emotions, diseases, ailments, bad habits, special spells for clearing negative energy from the self, home, ritual circle and tools. Simply remember that when you remove an energy, you want to fill the void with a more positive energy. So this is also a good time to consecrate the future with what you want it to be as you move forward.

Dark Moon ~ is a period of time where the moon is unseen.

Typically no magick is performed during this time. This is the time to give yourself a break, to turn to self and pamper or replenish your own energies.


Moon Phase Correspondences

Correspondence for New Moons:

• New Beginnings

• Personal Growth/Goals

• Eliminating Toxins

• Ending Addictions

• Starting New Projects: work, romance, etc.

• Planting Seeds = Literal Growth & Progress

• Success in Scholarly Activities

New Communications with the Divine


Waxing Gibbous Correspondences:

• Stabilize Finances

• Heal From Past or Broken Relationships

• Make Wise Choices for Your Well-being

• Fertility Heightened

• Glamour Magick

• Ground and Cleanse for the Better

• Strengthen Bonds with Friends, Family, etc.


Full Moon Correspondences:

• Intuition/Augur Extrasensory

• Renew Projects

• Rejuvenate Yourself & Loved Ones

• Divine Communications

• All Forms of Magick

• Mend Wounds & Ailments

• Enhancing Skills, Practices, etc.

• Cultural Adherence

• Spiritual Evaluation


Waning Gibbous Correspondences:

• Dispel Negative Energy

• Cleanse Your Home

• Let Go of the Past

• Begin Changes - Diets, Budgeting, Meds, etc.

• Divorce

• Protections, Jinxes


Dark Moon Correspondences:

• Evaluating Have vs. Have Not

• Contemplate True Accomplishments

• Find Yourself, Spiritually, Mentally, etc.

• Scrying, Divination, Necromancy

• Ancestral Work

• Reconnect With Old Family & Friends

• Sacrifice for the Greater Good

Days of the Week: Lunar Magick Work


Sunday 》Sun: Management of mental and physical health. Insight on problems and communication with the divine. Sympathetic magic, ritual, custom.


Monday 》Moon : divination methods, invocations and evocations, creativity & projects, divine & spirit messages, healing, grounding, centering, protecting the home


Tuesday 》 Mars : Fertility/phallic spell-work, protection of the self, glamours, confidence, hexes, poppet/dollie work and jinxing


Wednesday 》Mercury: Luck and success workings; career, intellectual property and pursuits, travel, romance, near future events.


Thursday 》Jupiter: Spiritual & Personal development, health and focus on the mind, body and soul. Exercise, diet and judgement on the self.


Friday 》Venus: Reconciliation, bindings, glamours and blood. Focus on others and the environment over yourself. Beautification in various forms.


Saturday 》Saturn: Releasing negativity, ending things. Charming, Binding, Control. Best time to end or negative influences or influences with the intent to end them.

Moon Phase Correspondences
Type of Magick

What is a Full Moon Altar?

They’re basically created with the intention, like regular altars, with the power to call upon the Moon’s energy for the change and support you’ve been wanting.

Moon Water

Moon Water

Magickal moon water is a term used in various spiritual and magickal practices to refer to water that has been charged with the energy of the Moon. It is believed that by exposing water to the moonlight during specific lunar phases, the water absorbs the mystickal qualities, vibrations, or energies associated with the Moon.

In different spiritual traditions, the Moon is often associated with various qualities such as intuition, psychic abilities, emotions, transformation, feminine energy, and cycles. By harnessing the energy of the Moon through moon water, practitioners aim to incorporate these qualities into their rituals, spell-work, or personal intentions.

The process of creating magickal moon water typically involves placing water in a container and leaving it under moonlight for a certain period, often overnight. The water is then considered "charged" or infused with the energy of the Moon and can be used in various ways, such as:

  1. Rituals and ceremonies: Moon water can be used as a ritual tool to cleanse sacred spaces, consecrate objects, or enhance the energetic atmosphere during spiritual practices.

  2. Spell-work and intentions: The charged water can be incorporated into spells, rituals, or intention-setting practices to amplify and align with the desired energies associated with the Moon.

  3. Energetic cleansing: Some people use moon water for energetic cleansing by sprinkling it around a space or on themselves to remove negativity, promote emotional healing, or bring balance.

  4. Divination and meditation: Moon water can be used during divination practices, such as scrying or tarot readings, to enhance intuitive abilities or provide a connection to lunar energies. It can also be used during meditation to deepen spiritual awareness or facilitate emotional healing.

It's important to note that the use of magickal moon water is highly subjective and dependent on personal beliefs and practices. While it holds significance and value for many individuals, its effects and benefits may vary based on individual interpretations and spiritual traditions.


Making Moon Water

Moon water is often created by placing water in a container and allowing it to absorb the energy or essence of the Moon through moonlight exposure.

The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Choosing a suitable container: Select a clean and preferably glass or ceramic container to hold the water. Avoid plastic or metal containers.

  2. Setting intentions: Before placing the water under the moonlight, you may choose to set your intentions or focus on the specific qualities or energies you wish to imbue into the water. This step is often considered important in many magickal or spiritual practices.

  3. Placing the water under moonlight: Find an outdoor area where the moonlight is unobstructed or near a windowsill where the moonlight can shine through. Place the container with water in this location, ensuring that it is safe from contamination or disturbance.

  4. Allowing the water to charge: Leave the container out overnight, allowing the water to absorb the moon's energy. Some practitioners believe that certain phases of the Moon, such as the Full Moon, are particularly potent for this purpose.

  5. Retrieving and storing the moon water: The following morning, retrieve the water and store it in a clean, airtight container for future use. It is often recommended to label the container as "moon water" and date it.

In various belief systems, moon water is believed to carry the energetic qualities associated with the Moon, such as intuition, emotional healing, feminine energy, or spiritual cleansing. It is often used in rituals, spell-work, or as a symbolic representation of lunar energy.

It's important to note that the concept of magickal moon water is rooted in spiritual and personal beliefs, and its effects or significance can vary among individuals or different magical traditions.


Moon Water & Phases of the Moon

Common uses for making moon water during each phase of the Moon:

New Moon: The New Moon phase represents new beginnings, intentions, and setting goals. Moon water created during this phase can be used for:

  • Setting intentions: Use the moon water to charge and empower your intentions, affirmations, or goals for the upcoming lunar cycle.

  • Initiation rituals: Incorporate the moon water in rituals or ceremonies that mark the start of a new project, venture, or personal transformation.

  • Cleansing and purification: Sprinkle or use the moon water to cleanse and purify yourself, objects, or spaces, symbolizing a fresh start.

Waxing Crescent: The Waxing Crescent phase is a time of growth, expansion, and manifestation. Moon water created during this phase can be used for:

  • Manifestation rituals: Utilize the charged water to amplify your manifestations, visualizations, or spells related to growth, abundance, or new opportunities.

  • Boosting confidence: Use the moon water to enhance self-confidence, motivation, and the belief in your goals or aspirations.

  • Fostering creativity: Drink or incorporate the moon water in creative pursuits, such as painting, writing, or brainstorming, to enhance inspiration and creative flow.

First Quarter: The First Quarter phase represents taking action, overcoming challenges, and making adjustments. Moon water created during this phase can be used for:

  • Energy and motivation: Consume or anoint yourself with the moon water to boost energy levels, motivation, and perseverance in pursuing your goals.

  • Problem-solving and decision-making: Use the charged water in rituals or practices that focus on finding solutions, making decisions, or seeking clarity during challenging times.

  • Balancing and harmonizing: Incorporate the moon water in rituals or meditations to find balance, both internally and in relationships or situations that require adjustment.

Waxing Gibbous: The Waxing Gibbous phase is a time of refinement, fine-tuning, and preparation. Moon water created during this phase can be used for:

  • Focus and concentration: Drink or use the moon water to enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration during studying, work projects, or any activities that require precision.

  • Preparation rituals: Include the charged water in rituals or practices that prepare you for upcoming events, presentations, or important tasks.

  • Strengthening intentions: Recharge and reinforce your intentions or goals using the moon water to ensure continued progress and success.

Full Moon: The Full Moon phase represents culmination, completion, and heightened energy. Moon water created during this phase can be used for:

  • Charging objects: Use the moon water to cleanse and charge crystals, talismans, or other objects with the potent energy of the Full Moon.

  • Healing and releasing: Incorporate the moon water in rituals or practices aimed at emotional healing, forgiveness, or releasing old patterns, traumas, or emotions.

  • Amplifying psychic abilities: Drink or anoint yourself with the moon water to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, or to deepen spiritual practices such as divination or dreamwork.

Waning Gibbous: The Waning Gibbous phase is a time of reflection, gratitude, and letting go. Moon water created during this phase can be used for:

  • Gratitude rituals: Use the charged water to express gratitude for the blessings, lessons, or achievements in your life.

  • Releasing rituals: Incorporate the moon water in rituals or practices that focus on letting go of negative influences, habits, or attachments.

  • Self-reflection and introspection: Drink or use the moon water in meditation or journaling sessions to enhance self-awareness, insights, and reflection.

Last Quarter: The Last Quarter phase represents release, surrender, and reflection. Moon water created


New Moon Correspondences

New Moon represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle and is associated with fresh starts, new beginnings, and planting the seeds of intention for the future.


  1. Symbols: snow, clear quartz crystals, white candles, pinecones, seeds, silver or white ribbons, icicles, snowdrops, white crocuses, pomegranates, oranges,

  2. Astrological sign: Capricorn,  Aquarius

  3. Element: Earth

  4. Direction: North

  5. Colors: Dark shades of green, brown, and black, shades of blue, purple, silver

  6. Crystals/Stones/Minerals: Garnet, hematite, onyx

  7. Herbs: Wintergreen, ginger, thyme, comfrey

  8. Intention setting: setting goals, taking action, organization, discipline, hard work, innovation, and social justice

  9. Tarot card: The Fool, The Star, The High Priestess, The Emperor

  10. Animals: wolf, owl, bear, stag

  11. Deities: Hecate, Selene, Cerridwen, Baba Yaga

  12. Activities: setting intentions, divination, spellwork, community involvement, breaking patterns

  13. Foods: stews, casseroles, carrots, potatoes, beets, dark chocolate & chamomile, lavender, and peppermint teas

  14. Essential oils: pine, juniper, peppermint, frankincense, lavender

  15. Planetary associations: Saturn

  16. Divination tools:Tarot cards, Runes

  17. Trees: birch, pine rowan, willow

  18. Flowers: snowdrop, carnation, hellebore, camellia

  19. Clothing: purity, clarity, newness


During the New Moon... should:

1. Set a Worthwhile Intention

Every month, the moon delivers us an extra boost of intention-setting energy. Why not hone it by focusing on one or two intentions you’re particularly passionate about?

Take some time to craft intentions that are clear, concise and as specific as you can make them. Think: “Obtain a new job that brings me fulfillment, with a higher salary than I currently have.” Or: “Pass the bar exam on my next try.” These intentions are clear and specific. Not only will they inform the universe of your aspirations, but they’ll also keep you focused on what it is you’re really after.

2. Light a Candle

Or bring some light into your life in some other way. Lighting a candle on the darkest night of the month signifies our desire to bring just a little more light into our lives. Ask the universe to shine light on you during this new moon and all the ones that follow it.

You can also take this ritual a step further by charging your candle with an intention you wish to manifest during this moon cycle. Simply hold the candle, summon feelings of gratitude and love, and ask the universe for what it is you want. Light the candle, and allow it to burn out on its own.

3. Begin Something New

The new moon is the most fertile day of the lunar cycle each month. If there was a perfect time for initiating anything new, it would certainly be the new moon! Start a new class. Apply for that job. Ask that person on a date. Start anything and everything you feel passionate about. Now is the perfect moment to begin anew.

4. Go on a First Date

Speaking of starting something new—a first date is a wonderful activity for a new moon. The universe is brimming with energy and possibility—the perfect time to plant the seeds for a new relationship. Yes, you can take yourself on a date!

5. Make a List

Remember those intentions we talked about earlier? Well, if you want to super-magnify them, make a whole list of all the details you’d like the universe to consider when bringing you your heart’s desire.

Say your intention was to find a new job. Where will your office be? What will your hours be like? What will your boss be like? What kinds of projects will you work on? The same goes for love. What type of relationship do you want? What do you do with your partner for fun?

Make it as detailed as you can. The idea is to create an image in your mind of what this new situation will look like when you get there, so you can stay focused on what’s truly meaningful to you.

6. Create a Sacred Space

The new moon is the optimal time for setting a sacred space in your home to make your own magic. Cleanse the energy of the place where you’ll be meditation, manifesting and self-reflecting. Get the junk of the world out—and keep it out.

In time, when you enter that space, your body and mind will know it’s time to make magic. Make sure after you’ve set it up, you keep it clean and tidy to avoid bad vibes.

7. Make Your Own Ritual

If you’re thinking of salt circles and witches over a cauldron, just remember that although these rituals certainly exist, that’s not necessarily what we’re talking about here. Making your own ritual is simply a matter of creating a set of practices you commit to doing during every new moon. It could be as simple as meditating, taking a yoga class, or writing a list. Or, it can be as elaborate as creating a space, making a crystal grid, taking a cleanse bath or smudging your entire apartment.

Whatever it is, make sure it incorporates taking a moment to reflect and plant a few seeds of intention. Taking periodic pauses can help you avoid venturing too far down a path that’s not aligned with your heart. Use the new moon as a reminder to stop, access and maneuver to your dreams.

... and avoid:

1. Quitting Something You Care About

A new moon is about creation. Of course, sometimes you have to let go of habits, people and situations that no longer suit you. However, deciding to give up on anything you truly care about on a new moon may prove to be a waste of energy. Funnel your energy into starting, not stopping (save the full moon for that).

2. Avoiding New People

New moons are notorious for bringing people into our lives. Often these newcomers bring us lessons our souls crave. Don’t miss out on these. When you encounter someone different or outside your usual type during a new moon, be open and curious. Try to learn about them. You never know what joys or ideas they may bring.

3. Declining Unexpected Invites

Speaking of meeting new folks, a new moon is a great time to get out of the house. Since a new moon is great for meeting new people, consider saying yes to any (and all!) random invites that come your way.

4. Spending Time with Energy Suckers

This is a no-no in general, but it can’t always be avoided. But. Since new moon energy is so incredibly special, shun any energy-drainers and do so unabashedly. You want to harness all the positive and creative energy flowing around you; none of it should be sacrificed. Simply said, don’t let others kill your vibe.



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© 2012, 2013, 2014  by LaVinia Reneau.


Make today and every day a Blessed Day!

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